Friday, June 18, 2010


I have begun to set up the report which will eventually go into this blog as my results. I have been unsure of how to set it out, given that it will all have to be reformatted for the blog eventually anyway. I decided that to avoid confusion, I will write the report as if it would be a printed article, and then when I come to blog it, I can just cut and paste, and upload images as required. I will see if this works, so that if I find myself doing this type of task again, I will know what works and what doesn't.

I have found the Oxford Dictionary of Biography most helpful in getting the section on important people in the library done. After wading through several heavy books, I ended up taking the database route as most of the same information is there. I was able to write a heavily summarised version for each of the four people who are included. I was quite surprised to find an image, albeit a line drawing, of Humphrey, 1st Duke of Gloucester. Considering that he lived in the 14th and 15th centuries, I did not think that any pictures would have survived.

Given my lack of time, I have decided to change a couple of the sections, and the section of the buildings will now essentially be an image gallery. I think that this is the best way to handle this part. I did begin to write labels to go with the photographs, but found that much of the information was a repeat of something that I had written earlier in the piece, so I am sticking to a short descriptive title of each image.

I have structured two parts as timelines, which I think is a concise way to present historical information, and is easier for the reader to absorb.

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